Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another appointment down!!

Hi everyone!!! So we had another appointment today and everything looks fine!! We got to do another ultra sound and we are for sure having a girl :) I had switched doctors and am actually seeing a NURSE MIDWIFE now!!! I'm so excited! She is so much better than the dr I was previously seeing. They weren't checking anything or explaining anything to me! This is such a relief to have someone tell me if my weight is on schedule and if my baby is doing fine when we look at the ultra sound! The baby is measuring at 25 weeks and I am 24 weeks tomorrow! The midwife says that it will be interesting to see my big ultra sound to see if my due date is right. I might be a week further. Its weird how the ultra sound can tell how much they weigh! Our baby weighs 1 pound 11 ounces and an average 24 weeker weighs 1 pound 5 oz. What a big girl we have! :) I still haven't had a chance to figure out how to get the ultrasound on here! My phone camera won't send it to my computer and my camera doesn't take video! I'll keep trying!

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