Monday, May 24, 2010


So the doppler finally came! It's so amazing to be able to hear our baby's heart beat whenever we want! It's a great comfort to know that he/she is doing ok!! It is also a crazy feeling to hear the heart beat in one spot and then find it in a different spot a couple of minutes later! It's weird to know that the baby is moving but I am still unable to feel him/her. I am excited for the day that I can feel him/her move, I've heard that it is the most amazing feeling a women can ever have!! I'm still nauseated here and there, hopefully it starts to get better now that I am almost threw the first trimester! I feel that I am getting bigger and at times it looks like baby but at other times it just looks like fat! Eventually I will put pics up of my belly but for now here's one of the doppler I had bought!

1 comment:

  1. You have a cute little baby belly! :) It's not fat! I think I'm going to get one of those doppler things that's so awesome!
